The Perfect Hair Style for Y O U
How to Maximize Your Best Features
Face Frame Workshop # 2.
Welcome to session two of this series. Here you can discover one of the easiest components for making an ageless beauty statement, and one more way you can dismiss the aging stereotypes that simply do not work for boomers and older adults today.
Consider how the "perfect hair style" not only is flattering, but how it can bring a smile to your face- and that of those around you. And the compliments? Not that it may matter to you, but you can expect those as well.
Change happens- and with a bit of research and effort to find a flattering "look" we see positive results. Here, the writers at the Beautiful at Any Age department at The Sage Companion Outlook suggest that there may be few things so simple yet so rewarding.
** * The"BIG HUG" Happens * ** Here , in a tiny eBooklet is an amazing toolkit especially designed for people of ALL AGES who are into personal TLC. If getting beyond aging stereotypes makes sense to you grab this eBooklet right now. |
Are you ready to redefine yourself in the 21st century?
THIS self-guided personal TLC eBooklet
is created to delight.
Big Hug ![]() |
“ The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.” ~-Jean-Paul Sartre, writer and philosopher.
This also holds true even when you are talking about
that perfect hair style for you. It can feel like a big, friendly hug.
Or, as Yogi Berra put it, "When you come to a fork in the road - take it!"
Let's say you haven’t found your perfect hair STYLE that really “fits” you, quite yet? Or, you don't want to be bothered. Or you are "too old" for that stuff.
HELLOOOOooo, you with the silvery hair! Some of us "boomers" beg to differ. We believe that people who express inner beauty outwardly can be a positive influence. So,are you going to wait until the cows come home? OR are you going to find the time and bring on a beautiful hug for yourself?
THE PERFECT coiffure for a Silver Fox, a Frost and Pewter Powerhouse, a Pretty Platinum Priestess, an Icy-Gray or Snow-Tiger is just a few steps away. And you can personalize THE STYLE for your Original Opal Blossom, Sassy Silver, or Ultimate Baby Boomer Arctic Blast- or any shade of hair.
As you redefine yourself in the twenty-first century, you may add a New Look and include a "Perfect Hair Style" on your list of objectives.
To make this happen, a first step is to investigate what goes into creating an attractive cut or style - a “HAIR-DO” that is a splendid fit for YOU. Notice the caps. This is a very personal and individualized process.
You may have to overcome an attitude. That is the "I'm too far along in life to bother about my hair do, so cut it short and perm it" mentality. Sound familiar?
Simple Steps to a Perfect Hair Style for You
Image in the Mirror Sketch ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TRY THIS SKETCH THE SHAPE OF YOUR FACE- Tools: For this step toward achieving the perfect hair style, you will need an oil pastel (lipstick will do,)a mirror on the wall, and something to hold hair well away from your face. Directions:Part 1 With your oil pastel (or lipstick)in hand,take a deep breath, and be sure to steady your hand. Now,do the following: 1) Carefully and WITHOUT JUDGMENT look at your face in the mirror. 2) In your mind's eye, first trace the outline of your face. Now actually draw an outline of your face with the oil pastel(or lipstick.) 3) Compare that outline to the shapes and descriptions that we created. You will find them immediately below. Directions:Part 2
(THERE ONLY ARE A FEW FACE SHAPES. FOCUS ON BALANCE OF THREE "REGIONS" ON THE FACE) Oval - Length equals around one and a half times width. Round - Round chin line, wide face, round cheeks and not angular Square - straight hairline, angular jaw with wide face Heart - narrow jaw line, wider at eyes. A ”true” heart-shaped face also sports a widow's peak. Oblong - Long and slender, about the same width at forehead and just below cheekbones (Widow’s Peak? Just focus on the overall shape of your face.)
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aging-in-place, age in place